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This website is a publication of JMJ Consulting, Inc. The information presented on this website is believed to be factual and up-to-date. The content provided on this website is educational and for informational purposes only. The information provided on this website does not involve the rendering of personal investment advice, estate planning, financial planning or any other specific financial advice, but is limited to the communication of general information on certain products and services. All information and opinions reflect the judgement of the authors as of the date of publication and are subject to change. Nothing contained herein constitutes financial, legal, tax, or any other advice.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. Information on this website is not an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of any securities. A professional advisor should be consulted before any investment decisions are made. Any direct communication by JMJ Consulting, Inc. shall be conducted by a representative that is either registered with the SEC or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration in the state where the prospective client resides. Every client is unique and their individual circumstances should be taken into account before investing.